Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January in Review

One month down, eleven to go...Right?

Well, in my last post I talked about my 52 goals. Let's see how that's going:

1) Visit Pizza Fusion- Check!
2) Contact Appointment - Check
3) Make moussaka for Dena (my boss) - Check
4) Brew dry tea - Check

I can't believe it took me so long to accomplish #4. I love tea!! Marc got me one of these for Christmas. You put the dry tea in, then the hot water and let it sit--then you sit it on the rim of your glass and the tea drips into it--it's really cool!

And #3 well, I've been telling my boss forever I'll bring her vegan food and moussaka is one of my absolute favorite dishes!! I love things that you mix together in a casserole dish and bake in the oven. If you're interested, I use the recipe found here.

So I am now a sucker for Teavana. *sigh

Also new for January:
*Moved into a killer new house with two other roommates (in addition to Marc).
*Actually had a couple of Saturdays off *phew
*Started walking/jogging (I really wanna run a 5k!)

New pet peeve:
Kids who walk into a quiet classroom blaring music through their headphones--and leave it on.

Favorite new food:
Vegan Cesar salad dressing!!

New Wish:
Summer 2012 Cross-country Roadtrip (I dream big)


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