Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Handwriting Game

Here it is-me and my nothing special handwriting. I remember in 1st grade we had to do these handwriting packets. They were comprised of a bunch of that paper with the three big lines (middle one dashed) with letters that you had to copy down. We had to do this every day in 1st grade and it got graded on how PERFECT your letters are. Now, my letters are pretty simple but way sloppier because I write extremely fast. Basically, I blame my lack of fun and unique handwriting on my 1st grade teacher.

Ehem, so here's how it works:

1. your name and blog name
2. your url
3. write "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
4. your favourite quote
5. your favourite song: right now and all time
6. your favorite artists
7. something you say a lot
8. who you tag

Leave a link if you do one!


1 comment:

Kristie said...


DTM- Blue?
